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Securitizing COVID-19: A Political Perspective on Canada's Response to a Global Health Crisis

This essay will argue that securitization is a political choice—a decision to conceptualize an issue in a particular way. It will examine the securitization of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and the actions that political leaders took in response to the threat of a global health crisis.

First, it will analyse the way the Canadian government conceptualized COVID-19 as a threat to the referent objects: citizens’ health and safety, the broader healthcare system, as well as the country’s economy. Then, it will look at how this was achieved with the help of public messaging and the use of extraordinary measures, including border and movement restrictions, vaccination mandates, as well as major new legislations. Finally, by considering vaccination statistics and public response, it will highlight the consequences of said actions, showcasing the impact the political decision to securitize this issue had...