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Beyond Text: Exploring the Vital Role of Non-Textual Sources in Historical Research

This essay will assess the utility of non-textual sources and their role in historical research. It will examine how oral histories, artifacts, and visual materials can provide deep insight into some of the world’s most infamous tragedies, where textual sources can fall short. It will seek to comprehend their unique advantages as well as the potential challenges and limitations they present.

First, it will analyze the importance of oral histories from Holocaust survivors in filling gaps in textual records. Then, it will explore how artifacts from the Titanic provide a tangible connection between the researcher and the past. Further, it will discuss the value of photographs of the Chornobyl explosion, serving as a pivotal historical record, capturing visuals of the immediate devastation as well as the short and long-term consequences. Finally, it will delve into the unique challenges of preservation, misinterpretation and subjectivity that accompany these non-textual sources.